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how to extend the reach of your b2b content

The Romans had mad reach.

Your B2B content should too.

A recent report released by Forrester Research called ‘Put Distribution at the Heart of Your Content Marketing’ shows the strong correlation between content distribution strategy and reach.

If you are a B2B marketer, here are some steps to help you make the most of the content you are creating by leveraging a strong distribution strategy.

1.       Plan your distribution strategy along with content creation

Content marketing cannot work on the principle ‘if I build it, they will come.’ Most marketers focus on understanding the audience, SEO strategies and figuring out what content resonates. However, you must also ask question re reaching the right audience, through the right medium at the right time. At a minimum, consider the following:

  • Which platforms is your audience and and how do they behave? Do they engage with content more on certain platforms than on others? Which media generate high quality leads?
  • Are there are avenues for syndicating your content?
  • What incentives can you put in place to encourage the audience to share your content?
  • Are there any specific communities or site you can target to get your content in front of your audience?

2.       Define KPIs for your content marketing measurements

Define KPIs, or key performance indicators in relation to your content marketing campaign. By establishing and monitoring these metrics, you can measure your successand also modify campaign if it is off track. In B2B marketing, you can focus on four specific areas:

  • Reach of your campaign: This metric measures how many people visited your content across different platforms.
  • Response level: This refers to the feedback, positive or negative, and to some extent, social sharing of your content.
  • Engagement: This metric is represented by likes, clicks, shares and comments.
  • Conversions: This is by far the most important metric and shows whether specific dissemination tactics yielded leads, customers and positive ROI.

3.       Integrate social media marketing

Share every piece of content that you create across your social media channels. These channels, be it Facebook, blog, Twitter, and Pinterest should be a rich repository of other valuable material for your readers and at the same time supportive of your offerings. Use social to share content produced by other valuable sources.

Good luck!


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