The internet gives users a never before seen power of personal reinvention. While there are more than a smattering of examples of this fact being leveraged for evil, on balance, I've generally viewed it as a good thing. Of late, though, my opinion has changed, largely because of the nature of…
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I enjoyed Doug Flora's post about why PR matters that ran recently on PR Daily. It got me thinking about how PR still faces major challenges, largely due to misperceptions about its role and relevance. As an attempt to build on Doug's great start, here are 5 things PR (the industry) can do…
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If you blog, my guess is you produce posts, pimp them and then pretty much forget about them. Most of us do. Maybe we shouldn't be so quick to put old posts out to pasture. Here are 3 reasons to remember, and occasionally re-pimp, your old posts: Evergreen content that…
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Social media has matured considerably over the past few years. However, it still has many inherent oddities and contradictions. Here are 3 surprising (and confounding) things about social media: A not so small chunk of the social media all stars I have met are socially inept humans. Yes, some are…
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(Note - you can listen to this post here) We've all heard about how this is a "transformational" time for the PR industry. Profits are soaring, and technology has made the game of managing relations and influence critical for most firms. That said, as an industry, we're facing pressing questions…
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(Note - you can listen to this post by clicking here) CBC radio's program, Out of Their Minds, recently ran a piece about time travel. Scientists - including Einstein - have shown conclusively that when we move fast, time actually goes slower. In other words, someone moving at the speed of sound…
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I think this one might get me pilloried. But who cares. It's been brewing for awhile. The benefits of blogging have been clearly delineated over the past 10-12 years. Posts like this one do a great job of outlining the pros succinctly. I am starting to believe these posts are - for…
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During the summer, I work on events a lot. Similar to war, event PR is super fluid. You need a plan at the outset, but once battle begins you must be flexible to win the day. Knowing who and what you're dealing with are critical to success. In the interest of…
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The Battle of Crecy, in 1346, pitted the English against the French . It was a rout of epic proportions. Edward III's force crushed the mighty French knights of Philip of France, in the process killing nearly a third of the French nobility. Crecy was a watershed in the truest…
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Last week, I wrote a list post on 8 things social media can't do. In order to provide yin to the yang, here are 8 things social media can do: Make a snake internet famous Provide firms with new platforms to broadcast their crap at people Take our already meagre attention spans and reduce them to levels…
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