You knew it would eventually happen. The crazy expectations marketers had re social media were bound to wane as the channel matured. Thankfully they have, according to this survey by IBM. But for those who still think social media is the second coming of some saviour, here's a list of 8 things…
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My team just finished hiring summer interns. The internshhip program has been amazing for us. Several interns have become full-time staff and it's been a great way for Coordinator-level people to learn about management. If you're a recent grad or someone who's been lucky enough to land an internship in a PR shop this…
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As I've recently discussed, there are a myriad of misperceptions about PR. Thankfully, some in our industry are fighting the good fight and trying to educate clients, businesses, etc. on what public relations REALLY is. One such person is my friend Shonali Burke. She's a force of nature (I often wonder…
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My last post was about what PR is not. I came up with a list of 21 things and others added great thoughts in the comments. Today we talk about what PR is. Since PR can be SO very many things, I'll inevitably miss the vast majority of them. Please…
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As a profession, it is incumbent upon us to educate people on what we can do for organizations. Specifically, this means explaining how our work benefits bottom line goals. Part of this is showing and telling people what PR is and isn't. I'll begin today with a quick checklist of what…
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The race is on, and here come the dumbasses. I used to work in politics. Actually had the pleasure of doing so in a party War Room on 2004 and 2006 campaigns. Twitter wasn't around in 2004 and in 006 few knew what the hell it was. It'll play a bigger role…
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I've been reading Henry Mintzberg's book, "Managing." As expected, it's superb. It's got me thinking about the things I do each day to run my PR shop. Needless to say, I've lots to learn and improve on, but there are a few things that seem to be going right. Based on what…
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The Merriam-Webster dictionary says a commodity is a good or service whose wide availability typically leads to smaller profit margins and diminishes the importance of factors (as brand name) other than price. I wonder, is this happening to PR ? If it is (even a tiny little bit) can we…
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Don't let the title of this post fool you. I am not gonna hate on the press release. I think it has utility and is still an important arrow in the quiver of PR peeps (especially when multimedia content is included a la SMR or Multimedia Press Release). That said,…
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I thoroughly enjoy eating. It's one the best activities going. Sometimes snack sized fare is best, sometimes an elaborate meal hits the spot. I recently listened to Tom Peters speak about the growing dominance of "snack sized" internet content. His point, an obvious one to anyone who spends a lot…
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