Yesterday, I was the featured speaker at a PR Daily webinar about scoring media coverage on a limited budget. (My slides are here). It was my second PRD webinar, and, I believe, it went better than the first. Both of the webinars I’ve led have been challenging: We have had no cameras, so…
I’ve been a contributor to Ragan’s PR Daily for approximately 4 months. It has been an interesting experiment and, thus far, has panned out better than I imagined it would. This type of activity takes time. That’s the output. It also generates returns; some easy to measure, some harder. I don’t get…
I was fortunate to participate in a PR Daily webinar last week on the usage of Flip cams in external and internal communications. Mark Ragan, CEO of Ragan Communications, made an incredibly interesting point in his presentation. He talked about “Communitainment” as one of the keys to success in online…
Sometimes wheedling and subterfuge win the day. It must be so today, because the GREAT folks at Ragan Communications (I know, a RESPECTABLE establishment) have just named me as a Contributor to PR Daily! I could not be happier about joining one of the most widely read…