You love social. Me too.
But too much of a good thing is possible.
Here are 7 signs you might need time away from social media:
- When someone says, “size matters” your first thought is about Twitter follower counts.
- You actually believe that Justin Bieber is more influential than President Obama because of his higher Klout rating.
- You should NOT wet yourself every time someone retweets you.
- No action…in a long time…for you…except on Second Life (who even visits that site anymore?)
- You’ve forgotten that “delicious” is an adjective, not a website.
- The size of someone’s Klout score can make you horny.
- You have the attention span of a just-born gnat.
Have a great day!
LOL, great post! 😀
Thanks, needed that …oh, wait – just got pinged! have to go..
#7. Me. Totally. I had the attention span of, let’s say, a small child before. Then I got Twitter brain. Gnat, sure, that describes it correctly.
I almost read the whole post, but I had to check my facebook page.
Thanks for the comments folks. You guys had me laughing 🙂