Organizations tend to think their “news” is newsworthy and merits media coverage.
As a result, everyone in PR has been asked by a client or boss, “How come our announcement/press release etc got no coverage?”
It’s a hard one to answer because it’s usually a loaded question.
Here’s a list of ways you can respond to the age old, “Why didn’t we get any coverage?” query (note – I take no responsibility for your immediate firing if you choose to use these answers)
9 – You got no coverage because Kim Jong Il hijacked the news agenda by announcing that, without the platform shoes, he’s only 4 ft 11.
8 – You got no coverage because Lady Gaga decided to do a public appearance dressed like someone from Planet Earth.
7 – You got no coverage because the media decided there was more news value in watching Kirstie Alley eat a pile of Twinkies.
6 – You got no coverage because you insisted the press release use the terms “market-leading,” innovative,” “revolutionary,” and “game changer” in the same sentence.
5 – You got no coverage because the media figured they’d get more viewers covering the re-launch of the Pet Rock.
4 – You got no coverage because Tiger decided to sleep with his caddie.
3 – You got no coverage because Gary Bussey drinking alone makes for compelling news programming.
2 – You got no coverage because narcolepsy becomes so widespread when you start speaking.
1 – Your face screwed us. It’s too ugly for the camera.
Have a great week!
Oh my god, this is priceless. I do not miss PR!
Also, your story isn’t newsworthy. It’s bullshit.