Proper Propaganda generated over 200 media placements in 7 months of work on this account.
Coverage was truly global, coming from media outlets in over 26 countries, including, among others: the US, Canada, the UK, Australia, Holland, France, Russia, Singapore, China, Malaysia, Japan, Slovakia, Lithuania, Turkey, India, Germany, Italy, Spain, Taiwan, and Pakistan.
Our efforts to publicize the Neptune Pine led to favourable editorial pieces in top media outlets around the world. We placed stories in Engadget, Fast Company, CNN, the Globe and Mail, Tutti Android, Fox News, Brisbane Courier Mail, Gizmodo, Business Insider, Tech Radar UK, Huffington Post, Financial Post, Boston Globe, Discovery Channel’s Daily Planet, La Presse, Breakfast Television, CTV, CBC, Global News, and many more.
CNN and Mashable named the Pine one of the 14 Kickstarter projects they were excited for in 2014.
Neptune originally set a goal of $100, 000 for its 30 day Kickstarter campaign. Due in part to a groundswell of early media coverage, this goal was met in 24 hours. In the end Neptune raised over $800,000 on Kickstarter in 30 days.