Are your contacts sitting dormant in your database or are they going along with the flow? If you don’t use email workflows, chances are that you are losing out on some great opportunities to leverage, engage, and reach out to your contacts. What is an email workflow? An email workflow…
Having trouble pitching stories to media? Maybe you are God’s gift to pitching… Either way you should watch this from the Associated Press. [youtube]Vut4gPPzEac[/youtube]
There’s a million and one blog posts from flaks and journos on how to pitch. Maybe they’re worth your time. The “how to” guides of pitching sound the same most of the time though. People tell you that you’re supposed to research the reporter, usually lead with an email, make…
I’m thrilled to share this guest post by Danny Starr, Vice President of East Coast Sales and Marketing at Roam Mobility. Danny is a digital marketing veteran. He was around when email marketing was the “new big thing” and has seen the landscape evolve as both a marketer and a…
I just read a superb post by Edward Boches at Creativity Unbound. He refers, in a funny but accurate way, to the struggle some have to stay on top of all things digital, do their jobs and maintain their lives. Read it, the post and comments are great. Edward’s thoughts…