I'm speaking at a teleconference for the Run, Walk, Ride Council on Thursday. I'll be chatting about how to get media to cover charity runs, walks and/or rides. Challenges abound with 'thon PR. There are a lot of events, all for good causes and (at least in Narnia, where I…
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Your CEO wants coverage. Your colleagues want coverage. Gosh knows, your clients frikkin yearn for it. You, on the other hand, pray for it, since your fabulous backside is on the proverbial line. Alas, scoring media coverage is no picnic. Here are 19 reasons, the media doesn't give a damn…
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Each day I become more convinced that Twitter is the ultimate media relations tool. Here is why: For years, PR people have tried a myriad of tactics to: Get journalists/bloggers to notice them Ensure journalists/bloggers knew that they (the PR pro) knew the journalist's/blogger's area(s) of interest and were familiar…
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