Do you remember "show and tell" in kindergarten and grade school? Members of the class would get up, showoff some object and tell the teacher and their peers about it. It is a great exercise and, for most of us, one of the first real experiences with formalized presentation. During…
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I used to love really wordy authors. Salman Rushdie, Conrad Black type guys who have such ridiculous command of English that native speakers are often left wondering 'what the fuck did that guy just say?' Pedantry does impress in some circles. In others it is quickly labeled arrogant. The normative…
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A small part of this post by Chris Brogan caught my eye and got me thinking. Here is what Brogan said that jumped out at me: Last night, Kat and I were at Ruby Foos in Manhattan for dinner after a movie. The server, Jenna, was pretty good at her…
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I just read a superb post by Edward Boches at Creativity Unbound. He refers, in a funny but accurate way, to the struggle some have to stay on top of all things digital, do their jobs and maintain their lives. Read it, the post and comments are great. Edward's thoughts…
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