One day I will again write full posts and not simply highlight the great work of others. But it's busy now, I love this stuff, and I love sharing it with you. This video was made by Communications students at UQAM. Again, my unhip, behind the times self is way…
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I had the pleasure of chatting with Aimee Davison (pictured above) of One Hundred Jobs and Fashion Ambush today. So much of the conversation around social media/new PR/marketing 2.0 takes place between industry "experts" so the idea here was to profile someone from outside the industry who "gets it". Aimee…
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One of the goals of this blog is to document and analyze people and organizations getting it right in the world of PR and Communications. But before I start throwing accolades at a campaign by the fabulous city of Montreal's Tourism Board let's disclose the following so that there's no…
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