As I've recently discussed, there are a myriad of misperceptions about PR. Thankfully, some in our industry are fighting the good fight and trying to educate clients, businesses, etc. on what public relations REALLY is. One such person is my friend Shonali Burke. She's a force of nature (I often wonder…
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My last post was about what PR is not. I came up with a list of 21 things and others added great thoughts in the comments. Today we talk about what PR is. Since PR can be SO very many things, I'll inevitably miss the vast majority of them. Please…
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As a profession, it is incumbent upon us to educate people on what we can do for organizations. Specifically, this means explaining how our work benefits bottom line goals. Part of this is showing and telling people what PR is and isn't. I'll begin today with a quick checklist of what…
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