In recent months, I've spent a lot of time working with bloggers on contests and giveaways. Some have been great successes, others miserable failures. Mostly via the failures, I've learned a thing or two. In the interest of sharing these learnings, here are 6 important questions you should ask before…
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(Note - you can listen to this post here) We've all heard about how this is a "transformational" time for the PR industry. Profits are soaring, and technology has made the game of managing relations and influence critical for most firms. That said, as an industry, we're facing pressing questions…
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Social media and the community building it naturally entails means sharing content with your community or prospective members of it. Share well and you have a vibrant, happy community that you can convert for sales, rely on to help you with your biz and count on during a crisis. Share…
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