I’m thrilled to share this guest post by Danny Starr, Vice President of East Coast Sales and Marketing at Roam Mobility. Danny is a digital marketing veteran. He was around when email marketing was the “new big thing” and has seen the landscape evolve as both a marketer and a…
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Brian Solis has a great post today on how businesses are using social media tools. Brian highlights a report by econsultancy.com. The report says that micro- blogging (i.e. Twitter) is now the most widely adopted social media tactic, used by 78% of company respondents. This I find surprising. There's waaaay more…
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For a variety of reasons Stephen Harper has decided to prorogue (basically to shut down) Canada's Parliament until March. I am not going to dignify the politicians and their spin monkey mechanism by discussing the reasons cited for and against closing the House of Commons. Full disclosure: I worked on…
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Journalism is a day in day out grind and has the added problem of trying to combine exalted purpose (think about the public service performed by exposing Tiger Woods or Balloon Boy and blanket covering OJ) with the harsh reality of needing to act like a business. Tough stuff. Mother…
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It's a tough time for marketing executives. Bottom lines are being eviscerated, marketers are being forced to "do more with less," and digital channels are changing the way the game is played. In the face of this latter development a gang of truth-talkers and charlatans have emerged to tell us…
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