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Das Capital (v 2.0)

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You might remember a book called Das Kapital by a crazy, old, bearded German fellow. This guy was not very big on market economics. In fact, he was sure capitalism wouldn’t last. We sometimes discuss wordplay here. Sometimes irony, too. Often posts are adorned with pictures of propaganda art from…

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What is “professional”

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You’ve heard people say, “So and so is unprofessional.” You’ve probably said it. It gets said a lot. The phrase can mean a number of things: among others, someone is incompetent, or someone behaves like an idiot or inappropriately. Here’s the thing about the word “professional” (and by extension its nasty…

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Can we kill “dead”?

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I wanna kill ‘dead’. Not in all contexts. The word has its moments.  For instance, I might need to mention that “Gandhi is dead’” or my “Grandfather is dead”. The word is also useful when ominous signs appear on the horizon, such as “Oh no, a grizzly bear, we’re fucking dead!”  But I am sick…

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