In marketing and PR we spend a lot of time trying to come up with "original" and/or "great" ideas. The quest for these Holy Grails is especially prevalent on the creative side, but also permeates other less artistic subfields of our little world. "Original" and/or "great" are pretty tough. Sometimes they happen.…
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My team just finished hiring summer interns. The internshhip program has been amazing for us. Several interns have become full-time staff and it's been a great way for Coordinator-level people to learn about management. If you're a recent grad or someone who's been lucky enough to land an internship in a PR shop this…
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You’ve heard people say, “So and so is unprofessional.” You’ve probably said it. It gets said a lot. The phrase can mean a number of things: among others, someone is incompetent, or someone behaves like an idiot or inappropriately. Here’s the thing about the word “professional” (and by extension its nasty…
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I wanna kill 'dead'. Not in all contexts. The word has its moments. For instance, I might need to mention that "Gandhi is dead'" or my "Grandfather is dead". The word is also useful when ominous signs appear on the horizon, such as "Oh no, a grizzly bear, we're fucking dead!" But I am sick…
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