The other day someone asked me about how and where I get ideas for blog posts.
I have no editorial calendar. I never plan anything. It is full blown lightning bolt or nothing (hence the sometimes irregualr posting rhythm).
I’d LOVE it if I could be more scientific, more planned. But it’s not me.
Here are 4 situations that posts come to me:
- On the Metro. I take the subway to work every morning and home each night. Lots of posts happen in this space. No idea why.
- In the swimming pool. I swim 4-5 times a week at a YMCA near the office. I think exercise clears the mind. I cannot count the number of times, I have needed to stop swimming and go harass a lifeguard for a pen and paper to write something down.
- Walking my dog. Same situation as swimming – the poor guy has had a lot of walks interrupted because some blog post idea hit me.
- While reading non-business books. I think anyone who writes regularly should read fiction. It is incredibly useful for writing about real life.
What does this all mean? For one, I am NEVER without a notebook. I have lost too many ideas by not writing them down.
The striking thing about all of this is that none of the places that ideas tend to come are “professional,” or a typical “work environment.” That might say a lot about the modern office (or just me in the modern office :))
In what places/situations do your posts ideas tend to come to you?
Hi Jaxx–that’s funny because I also think of ideas while walking my dog too! It’s my twice daily meditation where I can clear my head and churn through stuff that’s sparked my fancy, in between my dog’s stops to sniff other dogs…
Another way I come up with ideas is keeping up with current news and trends through social media. I rarely watch broadcast news and can only read print news for a few minutes in the morning before work. It’s amazing how my Google Reader and Tweetdeck keep me plugged into daily news and industry trends because of the sheer volume of information passing by and being shared.