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Maybe she will beat me to +

Maybe she will beat me to +

I am not on Google+. Haven’t even seen the dang interface yet. How un-cutting edge of me.

No doubt, I remain curious about the service. But I promised myself that this time I would wait awhile before jumping on the bandwagon.

Here are 5 reasons I ain’t (yet) on Google +:

  1. I don’t want to join the cacophony of voices yelling about how + will “irrevocably” change things
  2. Because, post Wave, I am a little leery of Google (yes, I admit it, I was an early adopter of Google Wave)
  3. Because between Twitter, Facebook, blogging, vodka tonics, and my Shi-tzu  it’s enough already!
  4. I can’t stand when people put the words “Facebook” and “killer” next to one another in a sentence
  5. Because the dust will settle, others will figure things out, tell the world and I will waste far less time doing trial and error experiments.

Do you + dear reader? Lemme know how it goes for you!

Join the discussion 6 Comments

  • Krista says:

    How bad is it that I’ve been sitting on an invitation to Google+ for a week now and haven’t yet touched it? I think I’m either too lazy or too busy on my off time to try it out, but it might be worth the exercise. I’m also a little scared to add yet another social platform to my already growing number of networks/outlets that I find need to be tended to like electronic pets (ie. they’ll die if they don’t get the “attention” they need).

  • Love to the pet analogy! So darn true. Maybe we’ll + together sometime K.

    Have a great week!

  • Robert du Toit says:

    You can gain some credibility as an early adopter, but otherwise it can’t hurt to let it hit critical mass. If you know a group of people already using it, then I can see it being useful. #3 and #5 are bang on.

    Would be nice to have one place to manage all the different social networks (off to try Tweedeck!).

  • Thanks Rob! Hope all is well with you. If I can suggest Hootsuite (Cdn firm) as a tool. I much prefer it to Tweetdeck, as it allows for much easier management of social properties (and different ones, including FB, Foursquare, Twitter)

  • Danny Starr says:

    I’m on it – it gets a big “meh” from me.

  • Robert du Toit says:

    Thanks, Jackson, I like!

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