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Are your blog’s traffic stats smaller than Herve Villechaise?

Wondering why no one cares about your profound musings?

Here are 7 reasons:

  1. The last time you posted “Bennifer” was a hot item.
  2. You’re writing a social media blog. We already have one Chris Brogan and several thousand wannabe Chris Brogans. Try breaking through that clutter!
  3. No sane person thinks the Earth is flat anymore. You need to stop blogging about it.
  4. You’re constantly telling people to “join the conversation” or “engage.” We’re tired of these words. In fact ,we’re about ready to start smacking the jackasses who use them.
  5. The video post where you attempted to “personally brand” yourself a “personal branding expert” with a farm implement really turned off your readers. They ain’t comin’ back.
  6. Because Chris Anderson was wrong. In fact The Long frickkin Tail just ain’t so long.
  7. Because you write unfunny list posts that will never bring meaningful traffic.

Have fun out there!

Join the discussion 5 Comments

  • #7: Because you write unfunny list posts that will never bring meaningful traffic.



  • Danny says:

    I am starting to wonder and think about whether or not blogging is really not a great way to set yourself apart anymore. Neither is writing a book.

    Our world of marketing/comm/pr or whatever you want to cal l is one big mass of people let by a few people who write books, have blogs, podcasts and general stroke each other’s egos all the time.

    And I can’t help to think that we’re seeing the top of the popularity bell curve in a sense.

    So what does this mean? I just don’t really think you can ever expect there to be too much traffic to any blog you have started in the last year or even two years… too much clutter. And I just don’t know if people should waste their time being obsessed with getting large amounts of traffic.

    I think people should def have blogs though because they help with your personal SEO in case you happen to share a name with an adult film star. They can also serve to help people keep updated with what is going on in your life because you can write and share text, pictures and videos. They are also useful in helping people who may want to work with you in the future understand what you think about and how you think.

    I had a funny moment the other day when I ran some stats on my twitter account… even though I do my best to share amazing info that I don’t see alot of other people sharing, some of my rare posts on celebrity gossip got lots of action…. so maybe Bennifer is where you need to be if you want traffic…

  • Thanks Dan. I agree with everything you said. I think Hugh Macleod of Vox Libre said, “don’t blog to be known, blog to be knowable.” Seems more appropriate than ever.

  • Morgan Howell says:

    Hey Danny, I also agree with you, but not exactly in the way you said it. I agree wholeheartedly on two counts: that blogging for the masses is ineffective–you need to figure out how to reach your target; and a blog can be a great benefit to you when that big opportunity comes, and the guy looking over your application to your dream job, or any job for that matter, decides to Google you. It lets people “understand what you think and how you think,” as you said.

    That one big opportunity is enough of a reason to blog. Whether you get huge amounts of traffic or get mentioned by Chris Brogan doesn’t matter, as long as you can reach your target audience and land that job.

  • D. Fields says:

    I must agree that blogging allows others to get a firmer grasp on who a person is and how they think. This may be however, a reason to be more judicious with your blogging. The “prime directive” I try to follow in Social media is this. “Just because you CAN post it doe not mean you SHOULD.”

    Remember that you have an audience who may not “follow” you blog but “lurk” These are the people who like to pop in an take a peak. Make sure the message you are putting out is the one you ant received.

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