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Ever wonder if your crisis communications program is failing?

Here are a few signs that it is

  1. A smarmy bastard opens a fake Twitter account using your firm’s name and logo.
  2. Because this smarmy bastard is extraordinarily hilarious, said Twitter account quickly gains over 61 000 followers. That’s more than most social media experts have.
  3. The mainstream media report on items 1 and 2 en masse, like a herd of Icelandic Killer Sheep.
  4. The letters B and P are in your name and you sling viscous products that do not come from olives but are still turned into edible food-like substances.
  5. ‘Hanoi’ Jane Fonda starts flipping the hell out. Oh, wait, that means your tactics are potentially working and at least worth continuing.
  6. A no-name blogger from Soviet Quebecistan writes a quasi-humourous post on your misfortune.

Is this you? If so, you may want to consider firing your entire comms department and/agency of record. You could easily replace them with a gang of kindergarten kids and get the same results for less money (though breaking the child labour laws is never too wise an idea in the middle of a PR crisis).

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