My friends at PR Daily report that:
As part of a new contest, KFC is offering a $20,000 college scholarship to one lucky high school senior based on a tweet. “Any high school senior can win the four-year scholarship by writing a tweet with the hash tag #KFCScholar,” reports USA Today. KFC said the winning tweet will be awarded based 40 percent on creativity, 30 percent need, and 30 percent drive.
Imagine that, tweet for the Colonel and emerge from college with less crippling debt!
Here, as a favour to contestants, are 7 tweets that will NEVER win the KFC contest:
- “Doubling Down” on a case Kentucky mud butt is not really that fun.
- 11 herbs and spices (and lots of weird ingredients you cannot pronounce)
- Finger lickin’ good, until it hits your digestive tract!
- How come the Colonel never became a General? Were his troops too fat to fight?
- I have eaten 6 Double Downs…my ass now spans three states.
- What is with that white suit and beard? Does the Colonel think he’s a messiah or something?
- How does the State of Kentucky feel about the fact that its name is on this shit?
Happy Thursday!
I must confess, in my many years as a Midwestern American, I have never tasted KFC’s secret blend of herbs and spices. Nor have I ever Tweeted about any particular fast food brands.
However, what’s interesting about this contest is that it’s a sign of the times for companies engaging their customers via social media. Did KFC’s marketing department do some research and found that teenagers on Twitter like to Tweet about their brand? Is this merely another publicity stunt to solidify brand loyalty among that audience? Will adolescent obesity persist as a growing cause of concern as a result?
Maybe I’m just being a cynical adult because teenagers are reaping the benefits of eating fast food and being rewarded for Tweeting. I’d like to see the case study that comes out of this contest…