Last week, I wrote a list post on 8 things social media can’t do.
In order to provide yin to the yang, here are 8 things social media can do:
- Make a snake internet famous
- Provide firms with new platforms to broadcast their crap at people
- Take our already meagre attention spans and reduce them to levels on par with the cast of Jersey Shore.
- Get people out of Mommy’s basement, by making them social media experts
- Provide Kirstie Allie with something to pass the time between binge eating/dieting sessions
- Get you a load of “friends” – none of whom will help you move a couch when you really need to
- Give the PR biz a new lease on life
- Provide every Tom, Dick, Harry (and Jackson) with a free platform to publish their nonsense.
You have more thoughts? Add ’em below.