Michael Sebastian and I had an interesting chat about list posts yesterday. In social media and PR circles the "helpful tip" blog post is very common. There are several reasons, chief among them the ability to craft google-friendly headlines, the ability to demonstrate expertise, and the ability to be reductive/simple.…
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Are your blog's traffic stats smaller than Herve Villechaise? Wondering why no one cares about your profound musings? Here areĀ 7 reasons: The last time you posted "Bennifer" was a hot item. You're writing a social media blog. We already have one Chris Brogan and several thousand wannabe Chris Brogans. Try…
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For the past 6 weeks, I've been planning the media launch for FAIT ICI (I'm a partner in the biz). The target media for this event and business are markedly different from those I go after in my day job. This time it's all about foodie, environmental and mommy people,…
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In an ongoing effort to provide content about real experience with social media, today we've got a guest post by Joe Brown. Joe is the Principal and Founder of Slope Resources, LLC, which provides a range of human resources and organization management consulting services to nonprofit organizations of all types…
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Amber Naslund of Radian6 wrote a wonderful post last week on social media topics that need to go the glue factory. One she did not mention was more of a piece of advice: "Be remarkable." It's a real favourite of digital marketing/social media types these days. They throw this gem…
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The dance music community's bender extraordinaire, "The Winter Music Conference" (WMC), is now in full swing in Miami. Several friends are there, one of whom is throwing a party. I love House music. Very little surpasses being on a dancefloor with a DJ who knows how to mix beats and…
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Fuck the Social Media Release. It is the PR equivalent of a smoking hot girl who is ridiculously high maintenance, empties your wallet and does not put out when it's time to get down. Here are four reasons to hate SMR's: SMR's are a way for large companies to take…
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Somebody recently asked me about launching a corporate blog. They said "Oh, I hear this is a great marketing tool." It is indeed. It can help any business with SEO, build community, even increase sales (the latter being the part that people care about). Here's the thing: it is a…
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