When it's time to produce a piece of written content, one of the obvious variables is finding a skilled writer to pen the thing. The need for a "skilled writer" usually means that people whose job description involves writing are tapped. It makes perfect sense. I'm here to tell…
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As I've recently discussed, there are a myriad of misperceptions about PR. Thankfully, some in our industry are fighting the good fight and trying to educate clients, businesses, etc. on what public relations REALLY is. One such person is my friend Shonali Burke. She's a force of nature (I often wonder…
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As you might have noticed, I've been away. While I get my head back together you should check this guest post out from Justin Goldsborough. By day, he works at Fleishman-Hilliard on social media and comms. He also runs #pr20chat a Twitter chat consistently recognized as being one of the…
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Social media and the community building it naturally entails means sharing content with your community or prospective members of it. Share well and you have a vibrant, happy community that you can convert for sales, rely on to help you with your biz and count on during a crisis. Share…
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The position of "community manager" is relatively new. It's also increasingly important. The person in charge of tending to your online tribe needs to possess certain skills. Obviously writing, the ability to produce multimedia content, comfort with tech, experience, work ethic and intellect matter - as they do for any modern day…
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