The position of "community manager" is relatively new. It's also increasingly important. The person in charge of tending to your online tribe needs to possess certain skills. Obviously writing, the ability to produce multimedia content, comfort with tech, experience, work ethic and intellect matter - as they do for any modern day…
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Social media is very much of the here and now. It is the newest of the new. Still, certain figures from the past would have grasped, employed and benefited from these channels were they alive today. Here's a list of folks from the past that I believe would have harnessed…
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Twitter can, in fact, do anything. Tonight, the service will get me a date with Eva Mendes. It also can accurately describe and capture the nation's mood, according to a team of nerds from NorthEastern University. They have developed a form of 'sentiment analysis' that looks at keywords from Twitter to map out how happy…
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Swiss watch maker Hublot recently had brand ambassador Usain Bolt compete against 10 kids in a charity event. The event raised 100,000 US Dollars for the foundation bearing Bolt's name. The Foundation focuses on education, health and development campaigns in Jamaica. Of course, the kids beat the fastest man on…
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Having trouble pitching stories to media? Maybe you are God's gift to pitching... Either way you should watch this from the Associated Press. Vut4gPPzEac
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Another video for you. I've been busy this week so it is a good time to highlight the work of others. Here is someone I always find intelligent, Ms Sarah Evans of Chicago and Sevans Stratgegy - enjoy! Click here if you cannot see this video. dc-uXHMZasg
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Thought it would be nice to kick off the week by celebrating some creativity. I like this soccer inspired video from Sony Ericsson. Cool canvas for sure! (Click here if you cannot see this) oLJvnKqklAk
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One day I will again write full posts and not simply highlight the great work of others. But it's busy now, I love this stuff, and I love sharing it with you. This video was made by Communications students at UQAM. Again, my unhip, behind the times self is way…
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You may already use this, but if not it's worth a look. Lindsay uses it for Fait ici's blog and I think it's killer. The tool is called Daiko's Youtube widget and it allows you to bring added value to some of your blog posts by adding video in your…
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