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Queen Elizabeth shakes hands with Martin McGuiness (image via LA Times)

That this happened just floors me (in a good way).

Here are few more facts and observations about the Queen’s brief encounter with former IRA chief, Martin McGuinness:

  1. This was shot with only one camera crew present. That’s all that was needed, so why bring more?
  2. Both McGuinness and the Queen, have taken/will take, a lot flak for this photo from their harder core factions. The nod to moderates and reason is impressive.
  3. No matter how bad you screw something, the message from this handshake is that it’s possible to mend fences. This is something too many businesspeople forget after a crisis or mistake.
  4. This says so much about how members at extreme, opposite ends of a system can be brought together, given time and the right processes.
  5. Maybe, just maybe, there’s hope.



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