The media want to cover your organization and its goings-on. Problem is, they have limited resources and need YOUR help putting together compelling stories. So, in order for everyone to succeed, you need to know a few things. Here are 44 things the media wish you knew: Not everything your…
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Your CEO wants coverage. Your colleagues want coverage. Gosh knows, your clients frikkin yearn for it. You, on the other hand, pray for it, since your fabulous backside is on the proverbial line. Alas, scoring media coverage is no picnic. Here are 19 reasons, the media doesn't give a damn…
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I enjoyed Doug Flora's post about why PR matters that ran recently on PR Daily. It got me thinking about how PR still faces major challenges, largely due to misperceptions about its role and relevance. As an attempt to build on Doug's great start, here are 5 things PR (the industry) can do…
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Over at FAIT ICI we've been running a group blog for close to a year now. It's a core piece of our content marketing. The experience has made me realize that group blogging holds mega-promise for non-profits. Some, like USA for UNHCR, have already caught on (their Blue Key blog is a…
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(Note - you can listen to this post here) We've all heard about how this is a "transformational" time for the PR industry. Profits are soaring, and technology has made the game of managing relations and influence critical for most firms. That said, as an industry, we're facing pressing questions…
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Last week, I wrote a list post on 8 things social media can't do. In order to provide yin to the yang, here are 8 things social media can do: Make a snake internet famous Provide firms with new platforms to broadcast their crap at people Take our already meagre attention spans and reduce them to levels…
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You knew it would eventually happen. The crazy expectations marketers had re social media were bound to wane as the channel matured. Thankfully they have, according to this survey by IBM. But for those who still think social media is the second coming of some saviour, here's a list of 8 things…
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My last post was about what PR is not. I came up with a list of 21 things and others added great thoughts in the comments. Today we talk about what PR is. Since PR can be SO very many things, I'll inevitably miss the vast majority of them. Please…
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As a profession, it is incumbent upon us to educate people on what we can do for organizations. Specifically, this means explaining how our work benefits bottom line goals. Part of this is showing and telling people what PR is and isn't. I'll begin today with a quick checklist of what…
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Michael Sebastian and I had an interesting chat about list posts yesterday. In social media and PR circles the "helpful tip" blog post is very common. There are several reasons, chief among them the ability to craft google-friendly headlines, the ability to demonstrate expertise, and the ability to be reductive/simple.…
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