(Note - you can listen to this post by clicking here) CBC radio's program, Out of Their Minds, recently ran a piece about time travel. Scientists - including Einstein - have shown conclusively that when we move fast, time actually goes slower. In other words, someone moving at the speed of sound…
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I've been reading Henry Mintzberg's book, "Managing." As expected, it's superb. It's got me thinking about the things I do each day to run my PR shop. Needless to say, I've lots to learn and improve on, but there are a few things that seem to be going right. Based on what…
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The position of "community manager" is relatively new. It's also increasingly important. The person in charge of tending to your online tribe needs to possess certain skills. Obviously writing, the ability to produce multimedia content, comfort with tech, experience, work ethic and intellect matter - as they do for any modern day…
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Goldman Sachs has banned the use of profane language. This is, quite frankly, fucking ridiculous. For one, the resources that will go into policing language could be better spent in other places. (Trust me, I live in a place that has wasted gazillions on misguided attempts to monitor language for…
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Seth Godin has a great post called "what is the point?" today. Read it, it will likely be better than this. I work in a mid-sized company, co-own a small retail business, sometimes consult on PR and write regularly for free and for money. Rarely though, in these relatively disparate…
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When you manage people - especially remote teams - making sure your directives are understood is a huge part of the battle. This means making reflective listening part of the culture and also entails repeating instructions, often via multiple media. This way people don't screw up as much. However, the tendency…
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In an ongoing effort to provide content about real experience with social media, today we've got a guest post by Joe Brown. Joe is the Principal and Founder of Slope Resources, LLC, which provides a range of human resources and organization management consulting services to nonprofit organizations of all types…
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I WISH I was Philippine President Gloria Arroyo's Communications Director. It would be an awesome gig in terms of career development. Agence France Presse reports that Glo glo has appointed her manicurist to the Board of a government agency responsible for lending tens of millions of dollars for the housing…
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You've heard lots about this social media stuff and how it's easy, amazing and free. However, even after you hired an expert and spent gazillions, you're getting nowhere. Here are 6 reasons your social media program sucks: Sales of crack rock are best promoted on the corner, not via Twitter.…
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