I just finished Anthony Bourdain's, Kitchen Confidential. Amazing book. Definitely think you should read it. Bourdain's existence offers some interesting lessons for PR pros. Here are 3: Test out the new (and sometimes freaky). The bad boy of food culture is always trying out freaky food. From eyes, to guts…
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At 174 words this might be my most ironic post ever. We live in an era of short form, snack-sized content. Saying it quick seems to be the only way to say it in internet age. People getting pinged, folks following links that take them off a page, it's enough to…
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The other day someone asked me about how and where I get ideas for blog posts. I have no editorial calendar. I never plan anything. It is full blown lightning bolt or nothing (hence the sometimes irregualr posting rhythm). I'd LOVE it if I could be more scientific, more planned.…
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