All PR people admire Santa. Some want to be him. A lunatic fringe actually believe they ARE the Jolly Fat Man. Playing Santa is part of the profession and Flakians love nothing more than giving away stuff for coverage. All pros engage in this practice - a kind of twisted…
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Of late, the interwebs are abuzz with talk of graduation and job searching. The young'uns are brimming with excitement, eager to kick their careers into high gear. There's also a cadre of older folks dispensing advice aplenty about how the juniors can endear themselves to prospective employers. I am gonna…
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Interesting little guerrilla activity from Hungary. The stunt was a get out the vote initiative to combat years of declining turnout for Parliamentary elections. <object width="640" height="385"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="640" height="385"></embed></object> The Good: This could not have cost a lot of money The initiative…
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This is a guest post from my pal Geoffrey White. Geoff's a lawyer (a profession who's mention illicits similar reactions to when you tell someone "I work in PR"), holds an MBA, and recently stood as a candidate for the Mountain Equipment Coop Board. He writes from the perspective of…
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I WISH I was Philippine President Gloria Arroyo's Communications Director. It would be an awesome gig in terms of career development. Agence France Presse reports that Glo glo has appointed her manicurist to the Board of a government agency responsible for lending tens of millions of dollars for the housing…
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This is me examining my 9 to 5 work. It's not a shill-fest. Nor does it represent the views of my firm or my clients. This is just me talking, got it? My hope is that this little dissection will help you with your guerrilla marketing initiatives. My group did…
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One of the most difficult things about media relations is that you, the PR person, never have full control of the process and outcome. This can be a hard lesson for young people starting their careers. A reporter may get your name wrong, misspell your website, decide to ignore your…
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