I was fortunate to participate in a PR Daily webinar last week on the usage of Flip cams in external and internal communications. Mark Ragan, CEO of Ragan Communications, made an incredibly interesting point in his presentation. He talked about "Communitainment" as one of the keys to success in online…
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Barbie is messing around with Foursquare. CNET reports: With a camera on her chest and an LCD screen on her back, the newest Barbie doll will kick off sales with a Foursquare-powered scavenger hunt in four cities across the U.S. The hunt--which begins Tuesday in San Francisco before heading to…
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Swiss watch maker Hublot recently had brand ambassador Usain Bolt compete against 10 kids in a charity event. The event raised 100,000 US Dollars for the foundation bearing Bolt's name. The Foundation focuses on education, health and development campaigns in Jamaica. Of course, the kids beat the fastest man on…
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Another video for you. I've been busy this week so it is a good time to highlight the work of others. Here is someone I always find intelligent, Ms Sarah Evans of Chicago and Sevans Stratgegy - enjoy! Click here if you cannot see this video. dc-uXHMZasg
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I was around when Ghostbusters came out. This might be better then the original. If you're into guerrilla marketing you might say "I wish I'd thought of this," at the end of the video! Fun, so creative, and amazing choice of venue (it was a location in the orig movie).…
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A number of things distinguish Flakians from their close cousin, Homo Journalisticus. Undoubtedly one of the biggest revolves around moolah. Homo Journalisticus usually engages in some kind of unpaid internship prior to actually entering the profession (note - in some cultures unpaid internships are also called "indentured servitude" or "slavery").…
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I am busy this week. So less posting and more focus on highlighting the dope work of others. Yes, I am a bit late on this particular item. But it's a great initiative from one of the darlings of social media, Starbucks. Who knew they were so good at guerilla marketing? There's…
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Check out this stunt by a UK-based outdoor clothing company called Finisterre. What I like: It could not have cost that much, is fun and clearly noteworthy. The tag line at the end of the video is perfect. Of course, the proof is in the view-based pudding. Over 275 000…
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For the past 6 weeks, I've been planning the media launch for FAIT ICI (I'm a partner in the biz). The target media for this event and business are markedly different from those I go after in my day job. This time it's all about foodie, environmental and mommy people,…
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