Where I live, many people returned to work yesterday. Some started last week, but because of the way the Holidays fell this year a lot of people decided to take extra time off. If you’re just back at it, don’t be too dismayed by the “Holiday Brain” you might be…
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I know some of you are PR pros. Some aren't. In either case, I am proud to say that MakePR, the online course I created to help startups and small businesses do their own PR is now ready to go. If you're a small biz owner and have been thinking…
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After Monday night's game ending touchdown debacle, a weekend of chippy play and inconsistent officiating, the NFL's replacement referees are under a serious microscope. Why? For one, the NFL's success and its ability to overcome challenges to its reputation, are rooted in the quality of its product. Last week and…
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I'm speaking at a teleconference for the Run, Walk, Ride Council on Thursday. I'll be chatting about how to get media to cover charity runs, walks and/or rides. Challenges abound with 'thon PR. There are a lot of events, all for good causes and (at least in Narnia, where I…
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I'm on Twitter less and less these days. Maybe it's my new business and the time commitment involved. Maybe not. Twitter is a bunch of good things: a great media relations tool, a platform for fomenting dissent and overthrowing odious regimes, a place for wily charities to raise cash, and…
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Mythology is pretty cool. Some folks think social media is too. Wherever you stand, it can be fun to ponder how various mythical creatures might have used social media (had they been able to). Here are some thoughts on how 4 might have leveraged various social sites: 1. The Minotaur…
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I was invited to talk at the Business Growth Summit this year. A cool initiative, speakers are tasked with sharing useful, practical tips to help people grow their businesses. I spoke about DIY PR, specifically how PR is sorta like dating. My target here was smaller businesses. If you're a PR pro some of this…
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There is no law that says charities should be bad at PR and marketing. Many aren't, but those that are seem to be especially weak. As I count a number of charities as clients, and often get asked 'How come my charity gets no press?' by others in the sector,…
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My last post was on how getting an MBA can help a PR pro. It generated lots of dialogue. The comments were far better than the post. Thanks to those who shared it and contributed to the discussion. It reminded me about the REAL benefit of blogging (for those of…
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The other day someone asked me about how and where I get ideas for blog posts. I have no editorial calendar. I never plan anything. It is full blown lightning bolt or nothing (hence the sometimes irregualr posting rhythm). I'd LOVE it if I could be more scientific, more planned.…
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