As reported several times via this blog, my experience as an incipient PR entrepreneur has confirmed the cliché that being an owner is a ride. The ride does not have to be a painful journey, however. To that end, perhaps this A to Z guide will help aspiring, budding and/or…
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June marks my sixth month as the owner of a Comms shop. I worked with clients for a few years before I officially launched Proper Propaganda in January, but had the safety net of a salaried job to fall back on. This business owner thing has been a ride. Here…
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In my capacity as co-owner of FAIT ICI, I am sometimes offered French language media opps. While I speak French well, it's not my first language. But because the business mustn't lose out on the exposure provided by media coverage, the second language thing cannot be a deterrent. What do you do, if…
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If you're a returning visitor to my site, you'll likely notice some changes. The redesign reflects a new reality. I am "going out on my own" as they say and will be launching a Communications consultancy called Proper Propaganda. My goal is simple: help organizations craft stories that get noticed,…
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A non-PR-ish post today. As previously mentioned, I spoke at Ignite the other night. If you don't know about this series, check this out. Here is the actual talk. If you can't see this video click here: IWqGdr9_7Aw
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I spoke about buying locally at Ignite Montreal last night. Had a super dope time and would recommend it to anyone. For those not familiar with it, Ignite is a speaker series held around the world. Topics are highly varied and selected by local organizing committees. The kicker is the…
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I just had two weeks totally off. It's crazy how this confers perspective. I've always been a bit frantic, but email, IM and social media have dramatically exacerbated things. In fact, consta-checking was killing my productivity and draining my sanity. So here's what's gonna go down (I'll report back in…
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