Flakians love social media. All of them claim expertise in it. In fact, you cannot really claim to be a Flakian without saying that social media is the greatest goddam thing since the Greeks put feta on salad or Halle Berry played a Bond girl. Flakians also claim that you…
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A number of things distinguish Flakians from their close cousin, Homo Journalisticus. Undoubtedly one of the biggest revolves around moolah. Homo Journalisticus usually engages in some kind of unpaid internship prior to actually entering the profession (note - in some cultures unpaid internships are also called "indentured servitude" or "slavery").…
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All PR people admire Santa. Some want to be him. A lunatic fringe actually believe they ARE the Jolly Fat Man. Playing Santa is part of the profession and Flakians love nothing more than giving away stuff for coverage. All pros engage in this practice - a kind of twisted…
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Pros know this scenario: Some foolish client or C-suiter gets all fired up about the release of a new product , the announcement of Mr X as VP Southeastern sales or some Z-list celeb signing on as a spokesperson. "We're gonna get on the front page of the NY Times,"…
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PR folks hate to admit this, but business is often good when things are bad. In fact, if it weren't for loudmouth blowhards, dumb politicians, over coked celebs, and other bringers of bad vibes we all be a lot poorer. And, unlike our fourth estater cousins, PR people LOVE cash.…
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When I was kid, I was into video games. I'd stare at a TV playing Colleco Vision or at an Apple 2E playing computer games for hours. To get me to stop Mom would say, "stop staring at the screen, you're gonna get square eyes." This frightening imagery usually made…
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Today marks the beginning of a new series at Proper Propaganda. It will discuss stuff PR people like and, so no one gets confused, will be called "Stuff PR people like." Astounding creativity, I know. This series is inspired by two things that are both more original and generally doper:…
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