I totally agree with the Oatmeal: #followfriday(#FF) is, in many ways, bullshit at this point (If you don't know what #FF is, or want a history of it go here and then come back and read this post). Think about it, when you get mentioned on #FF does your follower count increase? Mine doesn't.…
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I just had two weeks totally off. It's crazy how this confers perspective. I've always been a bit frantic, but email, IM and social media have dramatically exacerbated things. In fact, consta-checking was killing my productivity and draining my sanity. So here's what's gonna go down (I'll report back in…
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I've long wondered about why people follow me on Twitter. Weirder still, is the culture of "follow back." You know what I mean, that "follow me, I follow you" shit. It's garbage. It's for follower counters. I follow people who help me. It ain't a favour to them. I learn…
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My friends at PR Daily report that: As part of a new contest, KFC is offering a $20,000 college scholarship to one lucky high school senior based on a tweet. “Any high school senior can win the four-year scholarship by writing a tweet with the hash tag #KFCScholar,” reports USA…
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PR people tend to talk a lot. In fact, to be less polite, we can be REAL big mouths. The more I learn about this game though, the more I realize that listening is the most important part of the profession. Here are 4 reasons PR pros need to listen more: In the era of social…
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Social media and the community building it naturally entails means sharing content with your community or prospective members of it. Share well and you have a vibrant, happy community that you can convert for sales, rely on to help you with your biz and count on during a crisis. Share…
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Google "social media" and the Wikipedia entry comes up first. It says social media: "are media for social interaction using highly accessible and scalable pubishing techniques. Social media uses web-based technologies to turn communication into interactive dialogues." But Wikipedia is wrong. Here are 9 'awesome' definitions of social media: The group of…
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Twitter is massive. It has become the tool du jour for businesses, morons looking to broadcast their thoughts and attention whores everywhere. Some of the most interesting tweets we will, alas, never read. This is because the people who would’ve authored them are long dead. Here is what 16 historical…
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The other day a friend was asking me about sourcing PR help. Basic questions about what to look for when engaging the services of an agent or agency. The conversation got me thinking about how easy it now is to check out a potential agent or agency. Go to a…
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Call this a case study of sorts. A rough one, but a real life example no less... Last week, over at Made Here the FAIT ICI blog, we did a five part guest post series featuring a number of Montreal-based foodie bloggers. Hardly a groundbreaking initiative in terms of innovation, but one we're…
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