As reported several times via this blog, my experience as an incipient PR entrepreneur has confirmed the cliché that being an owner is a ride. The ride does not have to be a painful journey, however. To that end, perhaps this A to Z guide will help aspiring, budding and/or…
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Ever read The Doubter's Companion by John Ralston Saul? If not, give it a whirl. I am not JRS, and cannot write near as eloquently as he. However, I work and play with social media, and sometimes I'm moderately jaded about the whole thing. Maybe you are too? If so,…
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The blogosphere is a veritable 24/7/365 help-a-thon. It's overflowing with tips to create a better, smarter you. It got me thinking, what if you wanted to do the opposite? What if you were seeking to become dumber? Well, I've got a few ideas I've tried that really work. Here are…
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The above clip ran recently in Britain's Evening Standard. It seems that our profession shoots itself in the foot at least a once a week. I am almost over being dismayed about this. Here are 5 not so random thoughts on the above: My INTERNS (they are between 21-23 years old and fresh faced) read…
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During the summer, I work on events a lot. Similar to war, event PR is super fluid. You need a plan at the outset, but once battle begins you must be flexible to win the day. Knowing who and what you're dealing with are critical to success. In the interest of…
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Last week, I wrote a list post on 8 things social media can't do. In order to provide yin to the yang, here are 8 things social media can do: Make a snake internet famous Provide firms with new platforms to broadcast their crap at people Take our already meagre attention spans and reduce them to levels…
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You knew it would eventually happen. The crazy expectations marketers had re social media were bound to wane as the channel matured. Thankfully they have, according to this survey by IBM. But for those who still think social media is the second coming of some saviour, here's a list of 8 things…
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All kinds of smarties are putting it down - and WELL - this week. Shonali's been swinging her formidable sword (in case you were thinking of it, don't mess with her). Sue has been telling the old and young what they need to do to succeed in PR. And others have been dropping useful…
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The race is on, and here come the dumbasses. I used to work in politics. Actually had the pleasure of doing so in a party War Room on 2004 and 2006 campaigns. Twitter wasn't around in 2004 and in 006 few knew what the hell it was. It'll play a bigger role…
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Don't let the title of this post fool you. I am not gonna hate on the press release. I think it has utility and is still an important arrow in the quiver of PR peeps (especially when multimedia content is included a la SMR or Multimedia Press Release). That said,…
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