Flakians love social media. All of them claim expertise in it. In fact, you cannot really claim to be a Flakian without saying that social media is the greatest goddam thing since the Greeks put feta on salad or Halle Berry played a Bond girl. Flakians also claim that you…
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Are your blog's traffic stats smaller than Herve Villechaise? Wondering why no one cares about your profound musings? Here are 7 reasons: The last time you posted "Bennifer" was a hot item. You're writing a social media blog. We already have one Chris Brogan and several thousand wannabe Chris Brogans. Try…
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All PR people admire Santa. Some want to be him. A lunatic fringe actually believe they ARE the Jolly Fat Man. Playing Santa is part of the profession and Flakians love nothing more than giving away stuff for coverage. All pros engage in this practice - a kind of twisted…
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When I was kid, I was into video games. I'd stare at a TV playing Colleco Vision or at an Apple 2E playing computer games for hours. To get me to stop Mom would say, "stop staring at the screen, you're gonna get square eyes." This frightening imagery usually made…
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Some personal branding guru started following me on Twitter the other day. As soon as I received this life affirming news, I called my Mom to tell her I'd finally made something of my wretched self. All I have left to do is beat that pesky Japanese dude in a…
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Today marks the beginning of a new series at Proper Propaganda. It will discuss stuff PR people like and, so no one gets confused, will be called "Stuff PR people like." Astounding creativity, I know. This series is inspired by two things that are both more original and generally doper:…
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I WISH I was Philippine President Gloria Arroyo's Communications Director. It would be an awesome gig in terms of career development. Agence France Presse reports that Glo glo has appointed her manicurist to the Board of a government agency responsible for lending tens of millions of dollars for the housing…
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You've heard lots about this social media stuff and how it's easy, amazing and free. However, even after you hired an expert and spent gazillions, you're getting nowhere. Here are 6 reasons your social media program sucks: Sales of crack rock are best promoted on the corner, not via Twitter.…
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You've come a long way baby! You're now an expert. A social media expert, in fact. I bet Mom is beaming with pride. Here are 11 things you might have been before you became a "social media expert": Living in a beat up, '85 Pontiac Fiero (It's great your parents…
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The Library of Congress is going to archive every single tweet. I know...it's a great public service that will serve future generations incredibly well. Like me, I am sure you're wondering what your great grandkids will think if, eighty years from now, they dive into this treasure trove of genius…
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