So much social media advice. So many social media experts. Figuring out who to listen to can be hard on the head. Listed below are 6 social media tips that you should ignore: 1. You need to be present on all social networks If you have limited resources, don’t spread…
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Normal 0 false false false MicrosoftInternetExplorer4 image via Wondering why your business' Facebook page is getting limited love? It just might be getting eaten by EdgeRank. No, not a mythical beast, but an algorithm. Follow me for a sec. The first thing people see when they log into Facebook…
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Social media are one of the best ways for CEOs to stay connected and relevant in today’s competitive marketplace. However, this does not seem to be sinking in for C-Suiters. According to a recent survey, only 30% of Fortune 500 CEOs are using social media to engage and interact. Below,…
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Normal 0 false false false MicrosoftInternetExplorer4 Real estate agents are using social media in a number of innovative ways. Data from Postling shows the majority of realtors use Facebook (79%) in their marketing mix while 48 percent are on Twitter, and 29 percent are on Linkedin. Given blogging’s power and…
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We’ve officially entered the dog days of summer. How can we be certain? Aside from the oppressive heat, at no other time would the provincial Liberals’ attempt to manufacture outrage over PQ leader Pauline Marois’ alleged purchasing of Facebook fans get much media attention. That said, the episode is revealing…
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Keith Trivitt, from the PRSA, wants to kill "hits." He claims referring to media placements in this manner destroys the profession's rep. This strikes me as kinda prim and mostly pointless. Though I've often referred to it, I'm real tired of the profession's preoccupation with our collective "reputation." Face it,…
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I'm on Twitter less and less these days. Maybe it's my new business and the time commitment involved. Maybe not. Twitter is a bunch of good things: a great media relations tool, a platform for fomenting dissent and overthrowing odious regimes, a place for wily charities to raise cash, and…
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Ever read The Doubter's Companion by John Ralston Saul? If not, give it a whirl. I am not JRS, and cannot write near as eloquently as he. However, I work and play with social media, and sometimes I'm moderately jaded about the whole thing. Maybe you are too? If so,…
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Last month's post on 44 things the media wish PR pros knew seemed to strike a chord with readers. One astutely underlined the need to flip the script and let bloggers and jounos know the other side. Here, then, are 12 things I wish the media knew: That PR is…
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Mythology is pretty cool. Some folks think social media is too. Wherever you stand, it can be fun to ponder how various mythical creatures might have used social media (had they been able to). Here are some thoughts on how 4 might have leveraged various social sites: 1. The Minotaur…
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